Rete Accelerometrica FVG (RAF)
The ground motion derived intensity shakemaps are determined using an ad hoc GMICE conversion relations between ground motion parameters (PGV, PGA, PSA0.3, PSA1.0, PSA3.0, Arias and Housner intensities and PGD) and the MCS intensity scale. The GMPE used is a relation expressly calculated for this work. For reference, the relations used are cited on the bottom left of the color scale legend.
The software used for the ShakeMap elaboration is taken from The SeisRaM group has modified it in order to implement more ground motion parameters such as Arias and Housner intensities and PGD in addition to the standard ones.
The maps of ground shaking - ShakeMap - published in this web site have been determined only for research purposes and provide preliminary and incomplete estimates of the experienced shaking. They have been determined automatically from the instrumentally recorded data by the seismic stations and are updated as more data become available.
The maps do not have any official value and SeisRaM declines any responsibility from an improper use of the information therein represented.

2022-03-15 13:00:24 - mw: 3.4 | Intensity | PGA | PSA03 | PSA10 | PSA30 | PGV | Arias | Housner | PGD |