BIBLIOGRAPHY (last 5 years)


Cuius A, Meng H, Saraò A and Costa G (2023) Sensitivity of the second seismic moments resolution to determine the fault parameters of moderate earthquakes. Front. Earth Sci. 11:1198220. link

Fornasari, S. F., Ertuncay, D., and Costa, G.: Seismic background noise levels in the Italian strong-motion network, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3219–3234. link

Karasözen, E., Büyükakpınar, P., Ertuncay, D., Havazlı, E., & Oral, E. (2023). A call from early‑career Turkish scientists: seismic resilience is only feasible with “earthquake culture”. Seismica2(3). link

Cataldi, Laura, Valerio Poggi, Giovanni Costa, Stefano Parolai, and Benjamin Edwards. "Parametric spectral inversion of seismic source, path and site parameters: application to northeast Italy." Geophysical Journal International 232, no. 3 (2022): 1926-1943. link

Costa G, Brondi P, Cataldi L, Cirilli S, Cuius A, Ertuncay D, Falconer P, Filippi L, Fornasari SF, Pazzi V, Turpaud P. Near-Real-Time Strong Motion Acquisition at National Scale and Automatic Analysis. Sensors. 2022; 22(15):5699. link

Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, Giovanni Costa; A Machine‐Learning Approach for the Reconstruction of Ground‐Shaking Fields in Real Time. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2022. link

Ertuncay, D.; De Lorenzo, A.; Costa, G. Identification of Near-Fault Impulsive Signals and Their Initiation and Termination Positions with Convolutional Neural Networks. Geosciences 2021; 11(9):388. link

Ertuncay D, Malisan P, Costa G, Grimaz S. Impulsive Signals Produced by Earthquakes in Italy and Their Potential Relation with Site Effects and Structural Damage. Geosciences. 2021; 11(6):261. link

Ertuncay, Deniz, and Giovanni Costa. "Determination of near-fault impulsive signals with multivariate naïve Bayes method." Natural Hazards (2021): 1-18. link

Cataldi, Laura, Lara Tiberi, and Giovanni Costa. "Estimation of MCS intensity for Italy from high quality accelerometric data, using GMICEs and Gaussian Naïve Bayes Classifiers." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19.6 (2021): 2325-2342. link.

Ertuncay, Deniz, Laura Cataldi, and Giovanni Costa. "Web-based macroseismic intensity study in Turkey–entries on Ekşi Sözlük." Geoscience Communication 4.1 (2021): 69-81. link

Lenhardt, Wolfgang A., et al. "Improving Cross‐Border Seismic Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE 3 RN)." Seismological Society of America 92.3 (2021): 1522-1530. link

Ertuncay, Deniz, and Giovanni Costa. "An alternative pulse classification algorithm based on multiple wavelet analysis." Journal of Seismology 23.4 (2019): 929-942. link

Tiberi, Lara, et al. "The 1895 Ljubljana earthquake: can the intensity data points discriminate which one of the nearby faults was the causative one?." Journal of seismology 22.4 (2018): 927-941. link

Guidarelli, Mariangela, Abdelkrim Aoudia, and Giovanni Costa. "3-D structure of the crust and uppermost mantle at the junction between the Southeastern Alps and External Dinarides from ambient noise tomography." Geophysical Journal International 211.3 (2017): 1509-1523. link

Luzi, Lucia, et al. "The engineering strong‐motion database: A platform to access pan‐European accelerometric data." Seismological Research Letters 87.4 (2016): 987-997. link

Lavecchia, G., et al. "Was the Mirandola thrust really involved in the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence (northern Italy)? Implications on the likelihood of triggered seismicity effects." Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 56.4 (2015). link

Sandron, Denis, et al. "Shaking Scenarios from Multiple Source Models Shed Light on the 8 September 1905 M w 7 Calabria Earthquake (Southern Italy)." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 105.2A (2015): 912-927. link

Sirovich, L., et al. "A review of the seismotectonics and some considerations on the seismic hazard of the Krško NPP area (SE Slovenia)." Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 55.1 (2014). link


de Nardis, Rita, et al. "Strong motion recorded during the Emilia 2012 thrust earthquakes (northern Italy): A comprehensive analysis." Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12.5 (2014): 2117-2145. link

Gallo, Antonella, Giovanni Costa, and Peter Suhadolc. "Near real-time automatic moment magnitude estimation." Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12.1 (2014): 185-202. link

Tiberi, Lara, Giovanni Costa, and Peter Suhadolc. "Source parameter estimates for some historical earthquakes in the south-eastern Alps using ground shaking scenarios." Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 55.3 (2014). link

Zoppè, Giuliana, et al. "Studio dell'ammasso roccioso del Passo della Morte." (2013): 10-13.

Moratto, Luca, Peter Suhadolc, and Giovanni Costa. "Finite-fault parameters of the September 1976 M> 5 aftershocks in Friuli (NE Italy)." Tectonophysics 536 (2012): 44-60. link

Cauzzi, Carlo, Ezio Faccioli, and Giovanni Costa. "1D and 2D site amplification effects at Tarcento (Friuli, NE Italy), 30 years later." Journal of seismology 15.1 (2011): 1-17. link

Moratto, Luca, P. Suhadolc, and G. Costa. "ShakeMaps for three relevant earthquakes in the Southeastern Alps: Comparison between instrumental and observed intensities." Tectonophysics 509.1-2 (2011): 93-106. link


"Il terremoto del Pollino del 25 Ottobre 2012 (Provincia di Cosenza): Dati accelerometrici". Report 2012. M. Dolce; M. Nicoletti; A. Ammirati; R. Bianconi; L. Filippi; A. Gorini; S. Marcucci; F. Palma; E. Zambonelli; G. Lavecchia; R. de Nardis; F. Brozzetti; P. Boncio; D. Cirillo; G. Costa; A. Gallo; L. Tiberi; G. Zoppe'; P. Suhadolc; C. Martino; L. Elia; M. Vassallo; A. Zollo.

"The Emilia thrust earthquake of 20 May 2012: strong motion dataset -report 3". Report 2012. Dolce M.; Nicoletti M.; Ammirati A.; Bianconi R.; Filippi L.; Gorini A.; Marcucci S.; Palma F.; Zambonelli E.; Lavecchia G.; de Nardis R.; Brozzetti F.; Boncio P.; Cirillo D.; Romano A.; Costa G.; Gallo A.; Tiberi L.; Zoppé G.; Suhadolc P.; Ponziani F.; Formica A.

"The Ferrara Arc thrust earthquakes of May-June 2012 (Northern Italy): Strong motion and geological observations- Report II". Report 2012. Dolce M.; Nicoletti M.; Ammirati A.; Bianconi R.; Filippi L.; Gorini A.; Marcucci S.; Palma F.; Zambonelli E.; Lavecchia G.; de Nardis R.; Brozzetti F.; Boncio P.; Cirillo D.; Romano A.; Costa G.; Gallo A.; Tiberi L.; Zoppé G.; Suhadolc P.; Ponziani F.; Formica A.

"The Emilia Thrust Earthquake of 20 May 2012 (Northern Italy): Strong Motion and Geological Observations – Report I". Report 2012. Dolce M.; Nicoletti M.; Ammirati A.; Bianconi R.; Filippi L.; Gorini A.; Marcucci S.; Palma F.; Zambonelli E.; Lavecchia G.; de Nardis R.; Brozzetti F.; Boncio P.; Cirillo D.; Romano A.; Costa G.; Gallo A.; Tiberi L.; Zoppe’ G.; Suhadolc P.; Ponziani F.; Formica A.


Oral presentations:

"Determination of Near Fault Velocity Pulses with Multivariate Naïve Bayes Method." EGU General Assembly Conference 2020. Deniz Ertuncay and Giovanni Costa.

"Regional and site-specific GMPEs for Italian territory" IUGG 2019 Montreal. Lara Tiberi, Laura Cataldi, Giovanni Costa, Rita DeNardis,  Luisa Filippi, Lavecchia Giuseppina, Antonella Gallo

"Estimation of Instrumental Macroseismic Intensity for Italy from Different Ground Motion Parameters using GMICEs and Naïve Gaussian Bayes Classifiers" IUGG 2019 Montreal. Laura Cataldi, Lara Tiberi, Giovanni Costa

"Improvement for Near Real Time Accelerometric Data Analysis. Case of Study: Italian Strong Motion Network" IUGG 2019 Montreal. Antonella Gallo, Giovanni Costa, Lara Tiberi, Luisa Filippi, Deniz Ertuncay, Laura Cataldi

"Estimation of regression laws for ground motion parameters using as case of study the Amatrice earthquake" EGU 2017 Vienna. Lara Tiberi and Giovanni Costa

"Evidence of a tectonic transient within the Idrija fault system in Western Slovenia". EGU2017 Vienna. Blaž Vicic, Giovanni Costa and Abdelkrim Aoudia

"Local earthquake tomography in the junction domain between Southeastern Alps and Dinarides using the seismic data of the CE3RN". ESC 2016 Trieste. Colavitti, Leonardo; Tiberi, Lara; Böhm, Gualtiero; Costa, Giovanni; Gallo, Antonella.

"The 1895 Ljubljana earthquake: can the intensity data points discriminate which one of the nearby faults was the causative one?". ESC 2016 Trieste. Tiberi, Lara; Costa, Giovanni; Rupnik, Petra Jamšek; Cecic, Ina; Suhadolc, Peter.

"RAF, the first Italian digital time-synchronized accelerometric network: its evolution and integration into transnational and European research infrastructures".  ESC 2016 Trieste. Costa, Giovanni; Suhadolc, Peter.

"Integrated passive and active geophysical prospections for seismic sites characterization". 34° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, 2015, Trieste. Zoppè, G; Maselli, V; Costa, G; Forte, E.

"Local earthquake tomography in the junction between south-eastern Alps and External Dinarides using the seismic data of the CE3RN network". 34° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, 2015, Trieste. Colavitti, L.; Tiberi, Lara; Bohm, Gualtiero; Costa, Giovanni; Gallo, Antonella.

"New integrated events location procedure in vast and irregular networks in a quasi real-time mode". IUGG 2015, Prague. Tiberi Lara; Costa Giovanni; Spallarossa Daniele.

"Microseismicity and acoustic emission for landslide monitoring (North-East Italy)". XII IAEG CONGRESS 2014, Torino. Zoppè, Giuliana; Costa, Giovanni; Dixon, Neil; Spriggs, Matthew Peter; Marcato, Gianluca.

Rapid source and ground motion estimation.”  Second European Conference of Earthquake Engineering and  Seismology 2014, Istanbul. Gallo A., Costa G., Filippi L

The Italian strong motion network (RAN), near real-time data acquisition and data analysis: a useful tool for seismic risk mitigation.” Second European Conference of Earthquake Engineering and  Seismology 2014, Istanbul. Costa G.,  Ammirati A., de Nardis R., Filippi L., Gallo A., Lavecchia G., Sirignano S., Suhadolc P., Zambonelli E., Nicoletti M.

"The Italian Strong Motion Network (RAN)". EGU 2014, Wien. Costa, G.; Ammirati, A.; de Nardis, R.; Filippi, L.; Gallo, A.; Lavecchia, G.; Sirignano, S.; Zambonelli, E.; Nicoletti, M.

Fast automatic strong motion data analysis for Civil Protection purposes: the 2012 Ferrara earthquake example (Northern Italy”). IUGG 2013 Joint Assembly, 22-26 giugno 2013, Gothenburg. Costa G.,  Ammirati A., Filippi L., Gallo A., Lavecchia G., de Nardis R., Nicoletti M., Suhadolc P., Tiberi L., Zambonelli E., Zoppè G.

Rapid and routine determination of seismic source parameters”. IUGG 2013, Gothenburg. Gallo A., Costa G., Suhadolc P. 

The Emilia sequence: application of an automatic procedure to determine moment magnitude”. 32° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS 2013, Trieste. Gallo A., Costa G., Suhadolc  P.

"Ground shaking scenarios for historical earthquakes in the southeastern Alps". EGU 2012, Wien. Tiberi Lara; Costa Giovanni; Peter Suhadolc.

"Comparison of manual and automatic onset time picking for local earthquake in north eastern Italy". ESC 2012, Moscow. Daniele Spallarossa; Lara Tiberi; Giovanni Costa.

"Ground motion scenarios for some historical earthquakes in the Eastern Alps." Hareia final meeting 2012, Hall in Tirol. L.Tiberi, G.Costa and P. Suhadolc

"Studio geofisico integrato e monitoraggio della frana del Passo della Morte, Forni di Sotto (UD)". GNGTS 2011, Trieste. Zoppè G.; Costa G.; Forte E.; Marcato G.

"A Review of the Seismotectonics of the Krsko Plant Area (SE Slovenia)". GNGTS 2011, Trieste. Sirovich L.; Suhadolc P.; Costa G.; Pettenati F.

"Fast Moment Magnitude Estimation".  GNGTS 2011, Trieste. Gallo A.; Costa G.; Suhadolc P.

 “Fast moment magnitude for local events”. IUGG2011 Melbourne, Gallo A., Costa G., Suhadolc P


"ARMONIA Project: Transfrontier Strategy in the Management of Earthquakes". IUGG 2019, Montreal. Deniz Ertuncay, Antonella Gallo, Laura Cataldi, Lara Tiberi, Giovanni Costa, ARMONIA Working Group

"Identification of Near Fault Pulse Shaped Signals With Machine Learning Algorithms". EGU 2019, Vienna. Ertuncay, D.; De Lorenzo, A.; Costa, G.; Medved, E.

"An Alternative Pulse Classification Algorithm Based on Multiple Wavelet Analysis". GNGTS 2018, Bologna. Ertuncay, D.; Costa, G.

"Identification Of Pulse Shape Signals On Near Fault Stations With Convolutional Neural Network Algorithms: Preliminary Results". NTGE 2018, Istanbul. Ertuncay, D.; Costa, G.

"Identification of Possible Velocity Pulses in Earthquake Near Fault Regions by Using Machine Learning". EGU 2018, Vienna. Ertuncay, D.; Costa, G.

"Seismicity of Eastern Alps and North western Dinaric Alps". EGU 2017 Vienna. Deniz Ertuncay, Blaž Vicic and Giovanni Costa

"Fast moment magnitude estimation using strong motion data". ESC 2016 Trieste. Craiu, M.; Gallo, A.; Costa, G.; Marmureanu, A.; Craiu, A.; Ionescu, C.; Danet, A.

"Crustal tomography of South-Eastern Alps." IASPEI 2015. Colavitti, L.; Tiberi, L.; Costa, G.; Böhm, G.

"Implementation of a new picking procedure in the Antelope software". ESC 2014, Istanbul. Tiberi Lara; Costa Giovanni; Spallarossa Daniele.

"Implementation of a new picking procedure in the Antelope software". EGU General Assembly 2014, Wien. Tiberi Lara; Costa Giovanni; Spallarossa Daniele.

"Landslide characterization through seismic noise investigation". IASPEI 2013, Gothenburg. G. Zoppe'; G. Costa; G. Marcato.

"Automatic pickers performances in the case of the Emilia sequence of May-June 2012". IASPEI 2013, Gothenburg. Tiberi L.; Spallarossa D.; Costa G.; Bohm G.

"Fast automatic strong motion data analysis for Civil Protection purposes: the 2012 Ferrara earthquake example (Northern Italy)". IASPEI 2013, Gothenburg. G. Costa; A. Ammirati; L. Filippi; A. Gallo; G. Lavecchia; R. de Nardis; M. Nicoletti; P. Suhadolc; L. Tiberi; E. Zambonelli; G. Zoppe'.

"Automatic pickers performances in the case of the Emilia sequence of May-June 2012". EGU 2013, Wien. Tiberi L.; Spallarossa D.; Costa G.; Bohm G.

"Comparison of manual and automatic onset Time picking for local earthquake in North Eastern Italy". EGU 2012, Wien. Daniele Spallarossa; Lara Tiberi; Giovanni Costa.

"Geophysic data interperetation of Passo della Morte landslide: Eastern Italian Alps". EGU 2012, Wien. G. Zoppe'; G. Costa; G. Marcato; E. Forte.

"Strong motion inversion for slip distribution on a finite fault using strong motion data: L’Aquila 2009 earthquake". EGU 2012, Wien. Gallo, A.; Costa, G.; Suhadolc, P.